Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology Submit Manuscript
    Research Article

    Smart cities IOT & Digital network connectivity devices: Optimization on business in Africa

    DOI Logo 10.17352/tcsit.000042

    Published On: September 25, 2021 | Pages: 064 - 071

    Author(s): Yakubu Ajiji Makeri*, Victor Chang Xi’an Jiaotong, Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem, Afam Uzorka and Giuseppe T Cirella
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    A novel framework combining BCI and IOT for the detection of activity of the brain

    DOI Logo 10.17352/tcsit.000041

    Published On: September 18, 2021 | Pages: 060 - 063

    Author(s): B Karthiga* and M Rekha
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Mini Review

    Visual experience recognition using adaptive support vector machine

    DOI Logo 10.17352/tcsit.000043

    Published On: December 03, 2021 | Pages: 072 - 076

    Author(s): SP Santhoshkumar*, M Praveen Kumar and H Lilly Beaulah
    Abstract View Full Article View    

